petek, 10. julij 2009

July 11th is Baha'i Rights Day

Today, July 11th will see the trial of the seven leaders of the Baha'is of Iran who are collectively referred to as the Yaran. Apart from the fact that today will witness the trial and possible execution of these dedicated and steadfast believers in the unity of mankind, today will be just another day in 30years of continued and systematic persecution for the 300,000+ Iranian Baha'is living in Iran.

On this Baha'i Rights Day, lets take a moment to think of them and to say a prayer on their behalf.

Thank you.

petek, 6. marec 2009

After One Year Of Imprisonment...

Today has been a very eventful day!

As the imprisonment of the Yaran (literally meaning Friends in Persian) passes the 1 year marker (Mrs Sabet, the first of seven to be arrested was detained on 5th March 2008), we finally got some news about these dear innocent friends from the Universal House of Justice and the International Baha'i Community's office in New York. There was also a letter on behalf of the Universal House of Justice informing the community at large and the Baha'i world community in particular regarding the further functioning of the Yaran and at the local level Khadimin.

The House of Justice has agreed that these committees that were functioning in absence of any Baha'i administration (Local and National Spiritual Assemblies) for the past 20 years with the full agreement and knowledge of the governments of the Islamic Republic, from now on will seize to function. This, the House of Justice says has been done as a sign of obedience of the Baha'is to their government and a gesture of good will. It is interesting that in their letter the House of Justice refers to the recommendation by the Yaran made from their prison cells to end this last form of administration of Baha'i communities in Iran, and that this will not hamper the spiritual and community life of the 300000+ Baha'is living there. This is surely an indication of the strength of the Baha'i community and believers in Iran. Bravo to all the Baha'i in Iran!

Here are the links to these messages:
Message of the Universal House of Justice to the Baha'is of Iran, dated 9th March 2009 (currently only in Persian):

Open letter by the BIC to Najafabadi:

Finally I don't have a link to this elsewhere so I will insert the following message on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated 6th March 2009:

6 March 2009

Transmitted by email

To all National Spiritual Assemblies

Dear Baha'i Friends,

The Universal House of Justice has directed us to apprise you of the following recent developments in the Cradle of the Faith.

On 15 February 2009, Ayatollah Qorban-Ali Dorri-Najafabadi, the Prosecutor General of the Islamic Republic of Iran, declared illegal the ad hoc arrangements that tend to the spiritual and social affairs of the Baha'i community of Iran. In response, the Yaran from their prison cell have stated that if the current arrangements for administering the affairs of the Baha'i community are no longer acceptable to the government, to bring them to a close would not present a major obstacle. They have indicated that this is to further demonstrate the goodwill that the Baha'is have consistently shown to the government of the Islamic Republic for the past thirty years. The House of Justice agreed with the wisdom of the proposed approach. Consequently, the Yaran and the Khadimin are now bringing to a close their collective functioning.

On 4 March 2009, the Baha'i International Community addressed an open letter to the Prosecutor General, relaying to him its perspectives on this deplorable action against the Baha'is in Iran. The communication has also been posted on its Web site at and is enclosed herewith in both its Persian and English versions.

Notwithstanding the gravity of the accusations levelled against them, the steps being taken by the Yaran and the Khadimin to bring to a close their functioning should not cause undue concern. There are many ways for the friends to arrange their affairs informally, and there is no doubt that the valiant Baha'is of Iran will continue to manage the spiritual life of their community and, to the extent possible, contribute to the advancement of their nation. What must be borne in mind, however, is that these actions by the authorities are but the most recent manifestations of a systematic campaign of persecution that aims at the eradication of the Baha'i community as a viable entity in the land of its birth. In recent years, the harassment and ill-treatment of our fellow believers in Iran have reached new levels of intensity as certain elements historically hostile towards the Cause have assumed growing influence in the affairs of the country.

We call on you to invite the believers in your community to join you, during these spiritually charged days of the Fast, in offering prayers for the protection of their brothers and sisters in Iran. You are free to share the foregoing information and the enclosed communication with the Baha'is throughout your country, reassuring them that Baha'i institutions and selected individuals are undertaking wide-ranging and concerted efforts to defend the friends in Iran. The enclosures may also be shared with others, as you deem appropriate. Should the House of Justice wish you to take additional action, such a request will be conveyed to you separately.

The heroic steadfastness of the Baha'is in the Cradle of the Faith has released mighty spiritual forces into the world. It has, too, evoked the highest admiration of the believers across the globe, whose yearning to alleviate the tribulations of their Baha'i sisters and brothers in Iran is deeply felt and lovingly acknowledged by the House of Justice. What all must realize is that this longing may best be expressed through single-minded dedication to the prosecution of the Five Year Plan. May every follower of the Blessed Beauty seize the opportunities that present themselves for the advancement of the Cause, confident that the victories won will bring abiding joy to the members of the long-suffering, renowned community in His native land.

With loving Baha'i greetings,

Department of the Secretariat


cc: International Teaching Centre
Boards of Counsellors

nedelja, 27. julij 2008

Imprisonment of the 7 Baha'i Leaders in Iran - Day 75

It's been 2months and a half since the arrest of the national leaders of the Baha'i community in Iran. In the meantime the media and the politicians have been focusing mostly if not all of their attention on the nuclear issue with very rare and occasional mentions of the human rights situation in Iran. For example today BBC reported on Iran executes 29 in jail hangings.

Unfortunately, Iran is only 2nd to China in its number of executions (see Amnesty International report). In this report Iran with a population of 70.5million is reported as having executed at least 317 people in 2007 compared to China's 470 executions (total population of 1.320billion, ie 20x that of Iran).

The systematic persecution of the peaceful Baha'i community in Iran by the Islamic Republic must be seen by the world community as a litmus test for Iran's compliance with international laws and treaties. How can a country that is systematically persecuting its own law abiding citizens (ie the Baha'is) be trusted to be fair and open in its relations with foreign nationals and countries?

Iran can do well to show it's determination to implement justice not by more executions of criminals and those it sees as its opponents but by providing a just environment in which at least it's law abiding citizens can live in peace, and have access to education, employment and freedom of belief (freedoms all denied to the Baha'is in Iran). Release of the 7 national leaders of the Baha'is of Iran can be the first step.

torek, 3. junij 2008

7 National Leaders of the Baha'is of Iran Under Arrest - Day 20

For the past few days, I've been involved in exchanging comments on two news websites re the arrest of the 7 national leaders of the Iranian Baha'i community. You can read them at:
& (by the way, I love the post made by "I'm Nonpartisan"). You've got to read it!

On a positive note, there have been a few very high level petitions to the Iranian government re the arrest of the "Friends in Iran" (the 7 member representatives of the Iranian national Baha'i community - 6 of whom were arrested on 14th May with the 7th member held in custody since March). Here are the links:
Of course Amnesty International, the EU, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Canada, Australia, USA, to name but a few have already voiced their support for the release of these innocent 7.

May these friends be released as soon as possible, or brought in front of open court so that the world can hear what made up allegations are brought up against the Baha'is in Iran.

sobota, 31. maj 2008


Dear Friend (definition of a Friend: a stranger we don't know yet!),

Thank you for dropping by!

For my first post, it's only polite to say what prompted my to start this Blog, no?! Well, it all came about from the arrest and imprisonment of the 6 national leaders of the Baha'is ( of Iran on May 14th 2008 (the 7th member was arrested a few months earlier). I felt so strongly that this clear injustice and cruelty (they are for sure being tortured as I'm writing this) that I decided to do my little bit to bring this information to the attention of as many people as I can ( Hence this Blog. By the way, these recent arrests are also a prelude to a wider and more systematic persecution of the Baha'is of Iran (

This log will primarily try to share news re the situation of the Baha'is in Iran. However if I find the time I will share my thoughts and comments about other things too! Of course, I also look forward to hearing of yours too. After all:
"The shining spark of truth cometh forth only after the clash of differing opinions." (Baha'i Writings)
Lots of love,

ps Please note the differing "opinions" not "personalities"! Thank you! ;-)