sobota, 31. maj 2008


Dear Friend (definition of a Friend: a stranger we don't know yet!),

Thank you for dropping by!

For my first post, it's only polite to say what prompted my to start this Blog, no?! Well, it all came about from the arrest and imprisonment of the 6 national leaders of the Baha'is ( of Iran on May 14th 2008 (the 7th member was arrested a few months earlier). I felt so strongly that this clear injustice and cruelty (they are for sure being tortured as I'm writing this) that I decided to do my little bit to bring this information to the attention of as many people as I can ( Hence this Blog. By the way, these recent arrests are also a prelude to a wider and more systematic persecution of the Baha'is of Iran (

This log will primarily try to share news re the situation of the Baha'is in Iran. However if I find the time I will share my thoughts and comments about other things too! Of course, I also look forward to hearing of yours too. After all:
"The shining spark of truth cometh forth only after the clash of differing opinions." (Baha'i Writings)
Lots of love,

ps Please note the differing "opinions" not "personalities"! Thank you! ;-)