torek, 3. junij 2008

7 National Leaders of the Baha'is of Iran Under Arrest - Day 20

For the past few days, I've been involved in exchanging comments on two news websites re the arrest of the 7 national leaders of the Iranian Baha'i community. You can read them at:
& (by the way, I love the post made by "I'm Nonpartisan"). You've got to read it!

On a positive note, there have been a few very high level petitions to the Iranian government re the arrest of the "Friends in Iran" (the 7 member representatives of the Iranian national Baha'i community - 6 of whom were arrested on 14th May with the 7th member held in custody since March). Here are the links:
Of course Amnesty International, the EU, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Canada, Australia, USA, to name but a few have already voiced their support for the release of these innocent 7.

May these friends be released as soon as possible, or brought in front of open court so that the world can hear what made up allegations are brought up against the Baha'is in Iran.